Boom Island in Minneapolis – Take Two

Boom Island Park in Minneapolis is one of my favorite places to explore in the Twin Cities. In fact, it was the first place I went to when I got bit by the exploring bug. Well, now that Derrick moved to Minnesota, it’s time to start showing him some of my favorite places in the Twin Cities (and there are a LOT of them).

Boom Island
Boom Island Park in Minneapolis and what remains of the island it used to be. (Photo by Chad Smith)

The park actually gets its name from the island that it once was. The island was named for the booms that were used to separate logs floated down the Mississippi River to sawmills powered by St. Anthony Falls (another of my favorite spots). Each log cut along the tributaries of the Mississippi River was “branded” by each lumber company that put its own stamp on the end of is logs.

One of the things I love about Boom Island Park is the big city is on one side, the green (it will be at some point!) and the wide open space of the park on the other side. (Photo by Chad Smith)

They were separated using the stamps and directed to the right mill by men working from Boom Island. The sawmills at the falls were eventually replaced by flour mills. What remains of those flour mills makes up Mill Ruins Park, yet another great place to explore in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.

What I love most about the park, besides just how big it is, is the fact that it’s set up next to the Mississippi River. You’ve got the big city on one side, and the open areas of the park on the other side.

Boom Island
My son Derrick appears to be pondered the Mississippi River. He is deep like that :). (Photo by Chad Smith)

The land ceased to be an island a while ago due to a buildup of silt and sawdust. It was bought by the park board with funds from the state legislature through the Metropolitan Council in 1982. The land was bought from a construction company for $2.6 million. That land had been targeted for acquisition in the 1978 plan for the development of the central riverfront as a park by the Riverfront Development Coordinating Board.

At one point, the RDCB even considered converting the land to an island once again, but they decided against it because of the cost. The first phase of the park was dedicated in 1987.

Isn’t this a remarkable old bridge at Boom Island Park? (Photo by Chad Smith)

One of my other favorite parts of the park is an old railroad bridge, originally built in 1901 to Nicollet Island, was converted into a bicycle and pedestrian bridge. The bridge was repaired and restored in 2018.

And here is the old railroad bridge. The MOTHER LODE for this old urban explorer.

Boom Island

Photo by Chad Smith

Boom Island
One of my favorite places to go hiking! (Photo by Chad Smith)
What I was most surprised at that day is how many people took hiking trips up and down the tracks. (Photo by Chad Smith)

Here’s the link to my Facebook photo album.

Urban Exploration: Boom Island Park

There’s a hidden gem in the Minneapolis area known as Boom Island Park. I took a walk there the other day and was amazed at how the riverfront and the skyline of the city blended with the green of one of the bigger parks I’ve seen in the metro area. As a guy from small town Rural America, I’m amazed at just how much green there is all over the Twin Cities.

One of the more challenging parts of urban exploration around the metro is just FINDING the place you’re heading to. Thank the Good Lord (not joking at all) for Google Maps (or Apple Maps, if you have an iPhone). You know you’re adapting to city life when you arrive at the park, find it’s been shut off because of a private gathering, and you don’t bat an eye about parking in an open lot that you may or may not be allowed to actually park in. You’re risking getting a car towed for a couple hours of exploration. Works for me?

One thing I didn’t know is that some Minneapolis parks have a lot of places to park your kayaks or boats after spending time on the water.

Urban Exploration
One of the first things I noticed at Boom Island is just how many spots there are for kayakers/boaters to park themselves after a day on the water. LOVED the little lighthouse in the background. (Photo by Chad Smith)
Urban Exploration
One of the first things you notice is a lot of walking areas, paved, gravel, and wood around the outskirts of Boom Island. Perfect for urban exploration. (Photo by Chad Smith)

Some of them will even RENT you a kayak. Looked like a lot of fun and something I will be trying again.

As mentioned previously, I walked into Boom Island with the oddest sound in the background. Urban Exploration can lead to interesting (and educational) discoveries. The parking lots were actually roped off because of a Tibetan Festival taking place that day. Being from small town America, as mentioned previously, it was something really new.

However, the most interesting part of the festival, aside from the explosion of color, music and foods, is the fact that almost everyone there smiled at me. Such friendly people. The older I get, the more I’m really enjoying expanding my horizons.

The Twin Cities are an interesting area to live in and explore. They’ve clearly worked hard to put together the best park system possible and I can’t wait to keep exploring it.

Urban Exploration
One thing I loved about Boom Island was the city skyline across the river from the park. Really blended the urban with the non-urban really well. (Photo by Chad Smith)
Urban Exploration
I really loved the “observation decks” that are up along the waterfront. Great places to sit and enjoy the view. (Photo by Chad Smith)
Here’s my first look at Boom Island Park, which sits right on the Mississippi River. (Video by Chad Smith)

The park sits on an impressive 22.5 acres right the metro area, right in the St. Anthony West neighborhood.

Here’s a little bit of the music I heard at Boom Island Park in Minneapolis. It’s part of a Tibetan Festival that took place on Saturday, July 6. (Video by Chad Smith)

Urban Exploration
Fantastic views from Boom Island. (Photo by Chad Smith)

One of the epiphanies of middle age that have hit me recently is the fact that you don’t always have to take an exotic trip to see something new. Sometimes it’s right in your own “backyard.” Time for me to get off my duff and do some exploring.!

Urban Exploration
Looks like there was a pretty serious lightning strike here? (Photo by Chad Smith)

I’d say there was a pretty serious lightning strike here just to the left?

Seriously, THIS is how someone should take a tour of one of the inner-city parks in Minneapolis! Segway is the only way!

Some final thought here in the video directly above.

Urban Exploration
Looked like a repurposed railroad bridge that they made into a pretty cool place to walk. (Photo by Chad Smith)

Urban Exploration
All the way down at the end of a path out of Boom Island, it looks like a direct path down to gang land. (Photo by Chad Smith)

Urban Exploration
I can just see a train conductor telling his co-pilot to “roll up them windows” going through this neighborhood! (Photo by Chad Smith)

Here’s a link to my Facebook album with every picture and video I took. Enjoy. And if you like it, let me know? I’m thinking I’d like to do more of this kind of blogging. I just need someone to find it interesting.