Canadian agriculture hit hard by drought

Canadian agriculture has something big in common with U.S. producers this year.

In fact, Canada and the U.S. have more in common than just a border. The two countries are also sharing a lot of hot, dry weather. Shaun Haney of RealAg is an agricultural journalist and broadcaster in Canada who says the longtime trading partners are in the same boat.

Shaun Haney of RealAg is an agricultural journalist and writer covering Canadian agriculture, which has been hit hard by drought. (Photo from

“Absolutely yes,” he said on the phone from his office. “The drought of 2021 in Northern Ontario and the Western Canadian Prairies has been compared to the drought in 1988. This summer has been extremely hot and dry.

“It’s obviously hurt the crop conditions,” Haney added. “In some ways, it’s even more urgently impacted the grasslands and pastures, which is forcing producer discussions on the future of the Canadian cow herd after this fall, depending on what the level of cow cull will be.”

The drought isn’t just confined to 2021. As with many dry areas in the States, the drought stretches back to last fall. Haney noted that many Canadians were saying that “you don’t lose the crop in March.” However, they could have used moisture at that time, which they didn’t get.

“It was so dry that we’d used up a lot of our subsoil moisture last year,” he recalled. “We needed to replenish that moisture through the winter, and it didn’t happen. As we made our way into the growing season and the weeks passed, the rain just didn’t come.”

Canadian agriculture
Severe drought is making things tough on Canadian agriculture. (Photo from

As the rain continued to hold off, the area listed on the Drought Monitor began to expand. Early in the year, the drought ran in a tight band along the U.S.-Canada border, especially in the Southern Prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. At the same time, that drought also affected North Dakota and Montana early on in the U.S.

“As the weeks went by, the drought-impacted area continued to make its way further and further north,” Haney recalled. “It created a situation where the yields became more questionable on an increasing number of acres. The frustrating thing is some of those same fields started 2021 in great condition.”

The crops didn’t get the rain they needed for any consistent grain fill. Haney is located in Lethbridge, Alberta, and said a lot of the dryland in Canadian agriculture never had a chance. He described the 2021 Canadian growing season in one word: heartbreaking.

Crops hit by this year’s drought run the entire spectrum in Canada. Some crops handle adversity better than others, including chickpeas and lentils. However, Canadian farmers are especially concerned about the wheat and canola crops.

“I would say it’s even more so with canola,” Haney said. “From what I’ve heard, there are a lot of people harvesting some pretty light barley. But canola is the one where people are concerned they won’t have the yield. Canola is a fairly small seed, but it shouldn’t look like pepper.”

Canadian farmers do grow some soybean in Manitoba, where farmers may harvest bushels worth as little as $15. Producers also grow a little grain corn in Manitoba, as well as some in southern Alberta, that’s fed to livestock. Almost all of that corn is irrigated.

“There are some irrigated sugar beets in Alberta that are looking good as well,” he adds. “However, the list of struggling dryland crops is a long one.”

Haney says the one possible saving grace is good commodity prices. If prices were low during a drought like this, that would be the mother of all discouraging situations. He notes that if canola is around 20 dollars and you have ten bushels in the field, that’s 200 dollars an acre.  

“It’s not a moneymaker on dry land, but it’s a lot better than a market with nine dollars,” he added. “This boils down to Mother Nature not cooperating with us, and it’s one of the variables that are out of our control.

“I can’t even imagine what it would have been like going through a drought like this in the 1930s and ‘40s when we weren’t in a minimum-till situation,” Haney said. “Thankfully, most of our fields are minimum or zero-tillage, which helps to conserve as much moisture as possible. It’s a good reminder of why we change our practices in Canadian agriculture out here on the prairies.”

Find out more about Shaun Haney and everything going on in Canadian agriculture at

Weather turns cool but won’t last in Ag country

Here is the full podcast with Bryce Anderson. You can download for later if you like. Just click on the three dots on the right and hit the download box.

Weather and agriculture go together like husband and wife, hand in glove, or ball and chain. I caught up to a guy who knows a lot about agriculture and weather. He’s Bryce Anderson, Senior Ag Meteorologist with DTN.

weather and agriculture
Bryce Anderson, seen here speaking at a recent NAFB convention
in Kansas City to farm broadcasters, is the senior ag
meteorologist from DTN.

Temperatures have turned cool in the Midwest recently and it has some farmers concerned about a potential impact on crop development. Anderson says that cool trend is going to continue for several more days.

He says the cooler-than-normal temps cover most of the Corn Belt.  In some cases, certain locations in the Corn Belt have been double-digits below where they normally are in late August-early September.

Cool high pressure dropped down from Canada and took control of the weather in the Corn Belt. However, Anderson says that high pressure will begin to move away soon.

Because much of the crops in the ground went in late, all eyes are on the weather forecast and trying to anticipate when that first frost will be. While Anderson says an early frost doesn’t look likely, that may not be good enough for this year’s crops…tape

He says the weather during harvest should be good enough to help farmers get their crops into the bins quicker than last fall. Anderson says the bigger question will be how good the condition of those crops are when they’re taken out of the fields across farm country.

Trade Opportunities vital for Minnesota farm leaders

trade opportunities
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade agreement presents trade opportunities that Ag leaders across the country say farmers need to break out of the economic doldrums across the sector.

Trade opportunities have been, and always will be, important to U.S. agriculture. However, the opportunities aren’t there because of ongoing trade disputes with partners like China. However, with the removal of Section 232 steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexican and Canadian imports, the opportunity for the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to get through Congress is closer than ever. The prospects, however, depend on who you ask and what their political affiliation is.

That aside, Minnesota Farm leaders gathered recently in Hawley to discuss the current state of the farm economy. They specifically emphasized the importance of trade opportunities across North America. Kaitlyn Blackwelder is the regional project manager for Minnesota Soybean.

Farm incomes fell eight percent last year due in large part to lost trade opportunities and a large supply of commodities driving down prices. And, that has the attention of ag lenders like Jennifer Sharpe, Market Vice President of AgCountry Farm Credit Services.

They and others are worried that unless the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement gets ratified soon, things will only worsen. Ag exports to Mexico and Canada generate more than $1 billion for Minnesota every year. Those exports are only available with abundant trade opportunities. Mike Jurik is a grain merchandiser and works in the area of rail logistics for West Central Ag. He says the uncertainty is a huge strain on everyone in agriculture.

Farm leaders say the new European trade deal with Mexico is allowing the EU to displace U.S. sales in Mexico. The U.S., Canada, and Mexico finalized the deal last November but the pact is currently stalled in Congress. Karolyn Zurn is the American Agri-Women’s First Vice President of Vital Issues and Resolutions. She says the message is clear and direct to Congress.

During the roundtable discussion in Hawley, Minnesota’s farm leaders urged Minnesota’s elected officials to break the logjam on USMCA as soon as possible. Their message was a simple one: farmers need more trade opportunities.