History and hiking at the Indian Mounds Loop Trail

History and hiking is one of my favorite combinations. In this day and age of staying at home as much as possible, it’s become an even bigger favorite. You never know what you’ll find around the next corner in any of the dozens of trails around the Twin Cities metro area. The sights to see and the history behind the location are a remarkable combination.

Indian Mounds Regional Park and the Loop Trail that runs through it was my destination of choice. The park gets its name from the six Native American burial mounds that sits on top of bluffs that overlook St. Paul and the Twin Cities in Minnesota. The views up on those bluffs were spectacular.

Took a hike and enjoyed some history while walking the Indian Burial Mounds Loop Trail. (Photo by Chad Smith)

At least 16 burial mounds were up there on top of those bluffs at one time. Nineteen more mounds were located further down the bluffs near a place called Carvers Cave. The mounds remain scared to the Dakota Tribe to this day. It’s believed by experts that the burial mounds were created between 1,500 and 2,000 years ago.

Back in the mid-1800s, several scientists with an interest in Minnesota history examined the contents of the mounds that were still left. Experts found different types of burials under the mounds.

Here are just two of the Native American burial mounds you’ll see at the Indian Mounds Park while hiking on the Loop Trail. (Photo by Chad Smith)

The most common types were simple burials. According to the historical information I found, people were buried with mussel shells and an occasional projectile point. Smaller bundle burials were found in the upper parts of many mounds, which meant they were buried by later peoples than the original population. Even more interesting, there were a few tombs made out of logs found at the base of at least three tombs.

How high up were the bluffs? Does this give you some perspective? (Photo by Chad Smith)

A couple of the burial mounds had stone cists which were seven inches high and made up of thin limestone slabs which were set upright. Human bones were found in each cist and were accompanied by grave offerings like shells, perforated bear teeth, copper ornaments, a piece of hammered sheet copper, as well as numerous projectile points.

The hike isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s rated as a medium difficulty, which means there are hills. Of course, if you’re going for a workout, it’ll be right up your alley.

Plus, if you like trains, there’s a bunch of trains going by down at the bottom of the bluffs. And I like trains, so it made a fun day that much better.

You’ll find a remarkable view of St Paul and the Twin Cities while hiking down the Indian
Mounds Loop Trail. (Photo by Chad Smith)

There’s also a great view of the Mississippi River and lots of boats going by too. (photo
by Chad Smith)

Here’s a link to the Facebook picture album I put together of the hike:

Exploring Harriet Island in St. Paul, Minnesota

I went exploring a place that turned out to be so big, it took me two consecutive Saturdays to finish. I took a couple trips to Harriet Island Park in St. Paul, I found the perfect mix of urban area and wide-open spaces, just across the Mississippi River from each other.

Looking at the St. Paul skyline across the river was an amazing view. The old-fashioned architecture is amazing to photograph. When you combine it with some of the newer skyscrapers erected in recent decades, that makes it more interesting for an architecture buff like me. I’m not so into it that I can name you all the different styles of buildings. I just know what I like to look at.

Harriet Island is a great place to talk a walk. The boardwalk along the Mississippi River is really quite spacious, with plenty of room to stop and take pics or videos. In fact, I had some company walking down the boardwalk at one point. I looked to my right and saw a hen mallard swimming alongside, trailed by three of the most adorable little ducklings you would ever see. In fact, this is what they looked like.

They were adorable!

As I walked further down the boardwalk, I saw it split into several different walking/biking trails, so I headed in a southeasterly direction. I was hoping to find the trail that would take me up higher in the surrounding bluffs for some cool pictures, but never found it. What I DID find is a pretty good sunburn. Not much in the way of protection from the sun’s rays on a rip-snorting hot day. That’ll learn me.

Harriet Island
The boardwalk at Harriet Island Park keeps you tight to the Mississippi River in St. Paul. The
view is amazing. (Photo by Chad Smith)

I know what you’re thinking; “Chad, you posted a picture with the first brand-new baseball cap you’ve had in 30 years. Why didn’t you put it on?” Simply put, I wasn’t in the habit yet and I paid for it.

I did come upon an abandoned Union Pacific railroad track. I saw a big old “PRIVATE PROPERTY” sign that didn’t stop me from climbing up to the elevated track in order to snap a few pictures. At one time, the railroad ran all the way across the Mississippi on a bridge. The giveaway that it was abandoned is the fact that a chunk of the railroad bridge is missing. It was strange. The tracks extends from the other side of the river out into the middle of it. Why not take the whole thing out?

The trails will take you through some wooded areas that reminded me of walking through certain parts of the Black Hills in South Dakota. Beautiful. I was really enjoying the walk until I noticed a discarded couch/roll away bed that someone had tossed into the trees. Why do people do that?

Harriet Island
An abandoned Union Pacific railroad track. Not sure why, but they took a chunk of the track out of the bridge that runs over the river and turned it sideways. Seems a little strange. (Photo by Chad Smith)

It took more effort to carry that couch that far down the path than it would have to hoist it up into a vehicle and drive it to the dump. I know we all get lazy from time to time but we need to be better than that.

Harriet Island
The looks like a big chunk of the railroad bridge that no longer stretches over the water. (Photo by Chad Smith)
I initially thought someone was drilling for oil. Instead, I find out this is the “Target Stage.” Seriously? Does EVERYTHING in the Cities have to have “Target” in the name? 🙂

I saw some really nice boats out on the water. Lots of room on the Mississippi.

Not sure I wanna know what happened to the guy missing this shoe? After all, it IS St. Paul, so who knows?

Harriet Island
Wonder if he or she noticed they’d blown a tire? (Photo by Chad Smith)

There’s an old lift bridge down there on the Mississippi that I’m pretty sure is no longer in use. However, please don’t quote me on that. The blue lift-control house on top of the bridge looks like a pretty lonely place to be?

Harriet Island
I’m not a boating expert by any means, but I think these are some type of retaining walls to
keep ships from hitting the bridge? The doves sure liked hanging out down there in the
shade on a scorching hot day. (Photo by Chad Smith)

You really don’t ever know what you’ll find when exploring the metro area. Found a blushing bride and her groom out getting pictures taken in the Union Depot area of St. Paul.

The blushing bride hurrying to get back and get hitched after taking pictures. (Photo by Chad

St. Paul, Minnesota. (Photo by Chad Smith)