Gardening and getting ready in 2021

Gardening is something you might be getting excited about after a recent spurt of warm weather in March. If looking through seed catalogs and running your hands through the black dirt gets your heart pumping, you’ve been bitten by the gardening bug. However, I talked to a gardening expert who says don’t jump the gun on planting your garden because it could lead to problems.

Nancy Kreith is a horticulture expert with the University of Illinois Extension Service. (Photo from Illinois Extension website)

Nancy Kreith is an Extension Educator specializing in horticulture at the University of Illinois. She understands the excitement to get that garden growing but wants you to check your calendar first, specifically relating to the weather forecast and the final expected frost date. Most gardeners in the north are likely a couple of weeks away from working in the dirt.

“We could have as much as three weeks to go yet, depending on where you’re at,” Kreith said in a phone interview from her office in Matteson, Illinois. “You’ll want to find your local frost-free date, either through the National Weather Service or your local weather forecaster. That’s the last day they’re predicting frost.

“For example, the local frost-free date here in the Chicago area is on Mother’s Day, May 15,” she added. “For our cool-season crop varieties such as lettuce and root crops, you can plant those anywhere from four-to-six weeks before the frost-free date. We might be starting to plant in my area during the first week of April.”

 The crops built to handle the cold weather include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, kohlrabi, leek, onions, peas, rutabagas, spinach, and turnips. Those are the hardiest crops you can plant in a garden, so as soon as a gardener can get out and work the soil, they can go in the ground.

Cabbage is one of the many hardy crops that can handle cold weather conditions. Nancy Kreith of the Illinois Extension Service says hardy crops can be planted 4-6 weeks before the final frost date in your area. (Photo from

What makes these hardy plants so tough is good genetics. She’s seen ornamental kale planted in gardens during the fall for decoration, and the kale held up with snow sitting on top of it. The plant won’t be actively growing in that case, but rather it tolerates the cold and will sit in the garden until the weather perks up and the kale grows again.

What about the garden crops that don’t like frost?

“The best advice I can give you when planting the less-hardy crops in your garden is to give yourself a little wiggle room,” Kreith says. “I mentioned that the frost-free date in my area is May 15, but you never really know with the weather, so a little extra time doesn’t hurt.”  

Kreith says she tries to wait an extra week past that last frost date when planting the warmer weather garden crops like tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. Those kinds of garden crops are very tender and won’t tolerate any frost. Plus, waiting a week or two after that date will still leave you enough time in the growing season to get a good crop from your garden.

In between the hardy and the tender crops is what she calls the “half-hardy” garden crops. That includes a lot of root crops like beets, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, mustard greens, parsnip, Swiss Chard, and radishes.

“Those plants can go in the ground two or three weeks before that frost-free date,” she says.

Soil temperature is one of the most important factors in deciding when to plant your garden. (Photo from

Gardening crops are like traditional commodities because you need to consider soil temperatures in deciding to plant your produce. “For example, the half-hardy vegetables will want soil temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit,” she says. “Get an inexpensive soil thermometer, stick it in the ground, and document the soil temps for around five days in a row.

“That will give you an idea of how the seeds will germinate,” Kreith added.

While it’s still too early to plant, it’s more than all right to get out and do some work on the garden soil. General cleanup of the garden area after winter is a good place to begin.

“Go ahead and remove any debris from your vegetable garden,” Kreith said. “If you’re starting new, you want to kill off any existing vegetation where the garden is going to go. If grass and weeds are growing, I use a method that doesn’t require any chemicals to remove them.

“I use cardboard from shipping boxes,” she adds. “I remove the tape, but you don’t have to remove the label. Once I’m out gardening, I lay the cardboard down as a weed barrier, get it wet, and then put compost on top of the cardboard. I then allow it to decompose for one to two months.”

If she runs into areas of the garden that are hard to dig, Kreith cuts through the cardboard with a knife and then plants into that spot.  

It’s important to remember that cardboard is rich in carbon, so she recommends adding some nitrogen to balance that out in the soil. While the compost will add a little to the soil, it’s important to put down some nitrogen fertilizer. “As the cardboard breaks down, it robs some nitrogen from the soil,” Kreith said.

“If all the weeds and plant debris are removed from your garden bed, go ahead and spread about two inches of compost on it,” Kreith says. “That’s something I recommend you do every year in your garden to get it ready to go.”  

Farm stress management via the HERD

Farm stress. There’s far too much of it going on these days. What a way to make a living as the farming economy has been in the dumper for over half a decade and it’s getting worse, just as we were beginning to see a tiny light at the end of a still very dark, very long tunnel. This COVID-19 outbreak and its effects on the economy are only making things more difficult.

farm stress

The assignment from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (I work there as Assistant News Service Editor) was to find an expert who could give farmers tips on how to handle the enormous stress they were carrying after the trade war with China, numerous weather disasters, as well as commodity prices so low that farmers could no longer cover their cost of production.

Thanks to a Google search, I found out that Dr. Josie Rudolphi of the University of Illinois was just the expert to help farmers deal with everything that’s happening. She’s an Assistant Professor in the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department at the campus in Champaign, Illinois. Rudolphi has developed the HERD Stress Management Strategy and spends a lot of time speaking about it throughout rural America.

“Producers are experiencing more farm stress than we’ve seen over the previous five years, which no one thought was possible,” she said. “We’re getting further into spring, which is already a stressful period, and now we’re compounding that with COVID-19, which is a double-edged sword.

“Not only does it create health concerns,” Rudolphi added, “it also creates big concerns about what we see happening in the markets right now. Traditional markets aren’t available for a lot of their products right now, so people have to find a non-traditional way to move some of their products, or they have to dispose of them entirely. That’s an enormous stressor, so it’s a really challenging spring.”

Here’s some highlights of a breakout session that Dr. Rudolphi gave on stress management at the 2019 National Farm and Ranch Conference.

HERD Stress Management

HERD is an acronym that describes what she calls “positive ways of coping with stress.” She tried to keep it as general as possible just because people experience and handle stress in different ways. The goal of the strategy is to keep people as healthy as possible through a stressful period.

HERD stands for Hobbies, Exercise, Relaxation, and Diversion. Rudolphi calls them “evidence-based ways of positively coping with stress,” with positively being the key word in the sentence.

Hobbies – “There’s a lot of scientific evidence that doing something purely for pleasure, even two hours a week, can have a tremendous impact on mental health,” she said. “What separates a hobby from a job is it’s a creative outlet. We’re talking about things like art, gardening, and woodworking.

“We do know woodworking is a big one on a lot of farms across America,” Dr. Rudolphi said. “So is working with metal, as well as restoring old farm equipment. Hobbies are something different from our jobs and something we want to do for ourselves. It’s a great way to shift yourself out of a stressful mindset, so find something to do that you truly enjoy.”

Exercise – “We all know exercise is good for us,” Rudolphi said. “Exercise has huge physical benefits, but it also has tremendous mental benefits as well. And you only need to do a minimum of 20 minutes a day, it doesn’t have to be arduous or intense. It just means getting your heart rate above resting. A brisk walk is certainly a way to start reaping some of the physical and mental benefits.

Relaxation – “It might be a no-brainer to some, but this is all about finding ways to decompress,” she said. “You know how life on the farm can be. It’s challenging and there’s always something to do and be worrying about.

“it could be something as simple as a nap,” Rudolphi said. “It’s often hard to find the time or even the justification for a quick nap. Getting the rest and relaxation that we need is a vital piece of maintaining our physical and mental health.”

Diversion – “It’s always fun to talk about diversions,” she said with a smile I could almost see over the phone. “It’s a way of distracting your brain and stopping something like negative self-talk or possibly a thought spiral.

“For example, if you find yourself getting really overwhelmed thinking about things like farm finances, farm succession planning, I always recommend you take 20 minutes and do something else. Change the task in front of you by maybe taking a drive to another farm for a visit. It could be a 20-minute YouTube video about something purely for entertainment or a laugh. It’s trying to divert our attention away from something bringing a tremendous amount of stress.”

Signs of serious farm stress

There are signs of extreme stress (what she calls “distress” that friends and family should be watching out for. You want to watch for physical, behavioral, and emotional changes in your friend or family member out on a farm.

“Watching out for signs is very important because we often have trouble admitting to ourselves that we’ve changed, especially if it’s not a positive change,” she said. “It’s easier to observe changes in others and bring it up to them if that should become necessary.”

Physical – “Are they sleeping a lot more,” Rudolphi said, “or have they gone the other way and don’t sleep much at all? Are they eating a lot more or a lot less? Are they experiencing some kind of chronic pain, such as a backache or headache? Is their heart racing or are they experiencing nausea?

Behavioral – “These are changes in our day-to-day patterns,” she said. “The changes could be in how much we eat, drink, or sleep. Changes could show up in what we’re interested in. They could also include work changes, especially if someone starts neglecting the things they’re supposed to do. Distressed people also could manifest changes how they care for themselves.”

Emotional – “These are the easiest changes to spot,” Rudolphi said. “Depression shows up as people not interested in the things they used to enjoy. They could also become easily agitated, irritable, or angry. A blowup at a family member is an obvious sign that there’s too much stress.”

Stress Management Resources

She says there are several national and regional stress lines that farmers can call to talk to someone about what’s happening on their farm. Iowa has the Iowa Concerned Hotline. Minnesota has several farm hotlines that producers can access. But, there’s nothing wrong with looking for professional help if you feel it’s gone that far.

“A really good place to start toward achieving that objective is to talk to your primary care provider,” she says. “They’ll be able to help you triage the situation and help you navigate the resources available in your insurance system.”

Farmers are known as independent folks who prefer to handle things themselves. Rudolphi says it’s vital to remember that asking for help does not make you weak or mean something is seriously wrong with you.

“No,” she said emphatically. “Absolutely not. If you have livestock and something is wrong with them, you wouldn’t hesitate to ask for help. Give yourself that same level of care, for both your sake and for the people around you.”

Renewable Fuels Debate Continues Unabated

Here’s the complete podcast with Scott Irwin of the University of Minnesota, talking about his solution to the squabble between ethanol and the oil industry over the Renewable Fuels Standard. You can download and listen to it later or play it here.
Renewable Fuels
Professor Scott Irwin at the University of Illinois has a potential solution to the fight in Washington D.C. surrounding the Renewable Fuels Standard

Renewable Fuels seem like such a good idea to me. After all, fossil fuels are a finite resource, right? We grow lots of corn and other biofuel feedstocks. Why can’t we use some of them to stretch our fuel supply even further into the future? That’s rhetorical, of course. Big Oil has lots of money. One University of Illinois Professor says that money has put Big Oil squarely in the driver’s seat with the Environmental Protection Agency.

The clash between the ethanol and oil industries over the Renewable Fuels Standard is continuing with no end in sight. Scott Irwin of the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Department at the University of Illinois says there may not be a “win-win” deal in a debate like this.

Irwin wrote an article on the University of Illinois’ farm doc daily website called “Clearing the Logjam on the RFS and SREs: A Simple Proposal.” His idea would divide the refiners into large and small operations, while the ethanol proponents are treated as one group.

By doing it that way, the Environmental Protection Agency won’t be waiving any future volumes of ethanol. He realizes that the large refiners won’t be happy with his proposal, which Irwin says restores what the RFS was originally designed to do.

Irwin says his solution would satisfy two-thirds of the people and groups involved in the debate, which might be the best we can do. By way of comparison, the current situation is a mess.

Again, Scott Irwin is with the University of Illinois. Follow the link here if you’d like to read his full report on the Farm Doc Daily website.
